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User Reviews for: Blade Runner 2049

8/10  8 years ago
Let me start this off by saying that this sequel did not feel outside of what we remember.
Blade Runner 2049 maintains the mood and feel of its predecessor. The visuals, the sound... the dystopian future, it's all there.


I love writing reviews, it comes somewhat naturally to me after watching something that I learn to feel passionate about.
This movie taught me to be passionate.

But... it's really hard for me to express judgment. And I'm going to explain why:

Actually, it's very simple. This was a 3 hours movie. Of these 3 hours, 2 were simply... air. Now, don't get me wrong, that isn't always negative, like in this case. It was refreshing air, but still... it doesn't (at first glance) hold anything on the plot.

Because of this, the viewer (me at least), is left with a lot of questions, the picture doesn't explain itself. Also; as a side note - you most definitely need to watch the first one. The great majority of the runtime is inexplicably useless.

The longer it goes, the longer it begins to add new stuff, and then some, then it seems somehow related to what's actually going on, but right after it deviates the actual story on an ideal from the characters involved, that at a certain point, evaporates. I'm really conflicted about this because it looks to me like the screenwriters and director wanted to leave all of this to theory and the fans.

Why is this confusing? Because it's a very strange mixture of linear narrative and non-linear narrative. One is focussed on one objective, the other starts a bunch of other objectives and then it simply dies. No explanation was given, no closure was given.

And this is aggravated by the fact that it's a 3 hours movie, of which 1 hour of the actual story is spread and mixed amongst 2 hours of absolutely nothing. VISUALLY IMPRESSIVE NOTHING. A VERY INTERESTING BUNCH OF LITERAL VOID.

This is actually the only thing I did not like about the movie. Which, again, if you are like me and enjoy movies that aren't patently explaining themselves, it's not a bad thing. I just feel like it could've been much more interesting if they explained somehow what happened to all the side characters, or just cut them out.


Aside from what I've mentioned before, the more "linear" part of the story is actually not that bad. It's nothing impressive. A part of what I said earlier connects to the fact that this movie constantly keeps juggling between what is real and what is not. Be it by robots, or actual reality that the characters are living. So it came out pretty obvious that the movie would have a twist at some point, somewhere. I will admit that I did not get it until the very end, so, don't be discouraged.

Ryan Gosling was great, also because he as an actor was perfect for his role. Being so that he has this way of being and looking conflicted, and so it portrayed really well on the protagonist.

Harrison Ford had less value to this movie than he did in the last Star Wars.

Jared Leto's character is a mystery to me, but he did a phenomenal job talking random shit.

All of the other actors, Jared Leto included, were there to push the story forward (or to add random bullshit) and that's it. They did a fantastic job, but unfortunately, as mentioned above, at first glance it looks like they don't mean shit.


The movie is visually pleasing, it's bliss for people with OCD. It's perfectly round and at the same time perfectly square. It keeps smooth lines combining great color combinations in the palette, and utilizing great solid colors at the same time.

As I said before it holds perfectly a spot near its predecessor, the mood and feel are almost identical. (Having watched the first one only an hour before going to the theater to watch this one)

I have to say, this one looks A LOT, like A FUCKING GIGAZILLION LOT more gruesome and splatter than the first one. The fighting scenes are brutal, they do not go into dramatic effects, they just are what they should be. A punch in the face, exploding heads and blood.

There is no doubt that this movie looks fucking amazing.

It sounds amazing as well. It has a collection of deep, pure sounds. There is not a lot of music, but when there is it's powerful and present and it makes you wake up and amaze. Same goes for the special audio effects: I have watched it in ATMOS and I have to admit, they did not utilize it at all, except for one scene later in the movie, but the way it goes from absolute silence to seat trembling sensations it's really amazing. The sounds were so powerful I could literally see the movie screen shake and the subwoofer hit made the whole room shake.

I would also like to add that in the Italian version, you can clearly see that they used "incorrect" words grammatically, they used a lot of anglicisms, I guess they've done that to express how language is evolving? It's actually current of our generation, I see a lot of people adapting English words in Italian, so I was very impressed by that.

I feel like everyone needs to understand, before watching this movie, that you need a time, a mood and a place perfectly fit to sit for a 3 hours movie that it's going to feel like a 6-hour long journey into colors, shapes, and absolute "living" silence.

This is NOT a Marvel movie, there is action, well-done action, but it's not about action. You need to sit, relax and don't think about time, because, trust me, it's going to fuck you.

Please like my comment if you enjoyed my review, it makes me really happy.

Note that all of this is driven by my personal opinion. If you think I wasn't objective in some of the parts of what I've written, you're welcome to make me notice where.

On Twitter, I review the entire world -> @WiseMMO
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Reply by PoVa-deleted-1598014473
8 years ago
@king-corn couldn't agree more. Great review.
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Reply by Bayaz
8 years ago
@king-corn Thank you for the efforts of writing this. I mostly agree, but 8 = 'great', so the grade you gave kinda doesn't match the opinion. I doubt that a movie where only 30% of content makes sense can get a 8 :)
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Reply by samcroishere@gmail.com
8 years ago
@bayaz A numerical vote is the combination of multiple factors that go into deciding whether you pick a 5 or an 8. Also, numerical votes don't mean shit and should be deprecated. <br /> <br /> This, simply because the majority of people don't put enough thought in what a number could mean, but vote using the root mathematical value the span from 1 to 10 gives. So mostly, it's a very faulty way of expressing judgment. This website actually helps with that by putting an example over the number, such as "Great", so I follow my vote using that line.<br /> <br /> But as stated in my review (opinion) this movie, regardless of what AT FIRST GLANCE looks like nothing, it was clearly meant for the viewer to dig deeper in retrospective and find a deeper meaning, like any Villeneuve movie (Arrival). <br /> <br /> Now, reglardless of the interest I did not care to put into doing that, like I would've, at some point, done with: Arrival or like Prometheus and Alien, or Matrix for example, that does not mean that the movie is actually 70% pure nothing, I said it LOOKED like that, but I do not agree on the point of it being actual nothing. You should excuse my poetic license and the way put myself in a strong stance when I write.<br /> <br /> The cinematography as I stated was on point, and getting that on point makes ANY piece at least a 6/10, so if you can add the story, which wasn't bad, I would agree that an 8/10 is more than fair.<br /> <br /> Anything under a 7/10 I find it unreasonable and blindsided, personally.<br /> Anything over a 8/10 is a hype driven, hardly explainable, spur of the moment vote.
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Reply by brolu
8 years ago
@king-corn one of the things that mesmerized me the most are the movie's moment of silence: they are the essence of its atmosphere. Great review.
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Reply by Frikilax
7 years ago
@king-corn this, my friend, is the kind of reviews I crave for !<br /> constructed shit, thank you !<br /> the bad thing is that I also like giving long reviews of films I liked, and I loved this one !<br /> But it's late and I'm tired, and I don't want to embark into deep analysis of my thoughts about this film, so I'll give all credits to you and say this :<br /> having a "slow-paced" film like this one nowadays was really enjoyable. I do like action-packed films, but not for the sake of having pure action (which is beginning to be the case for too much films), this was a subtle balance between slowness and rapidity, with astounding image and sound, and oh god this was good !!
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Reply by samcroishere@gmail.com
7 years ago
@frikilax Hey, thank you for your kind words. Made my morning!
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Reply by igorsmontara
7 years ago
@king-corn you've nailed it
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Reply by DarkKn1ght
7 years ago
Having watched 2049 this weekend, I think you nailed the movie pretty much. I gave it a 9 instead if 8 due to sheer philosophy this movie presents. There is just too much content to lose yourself in.
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Reply by CMazina
3 years ago
@wisewtf Thank the gods this film was NOT a Marvel movie.
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