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User Comments for: Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F

Ragnar Danneskjöld says...
4 months ago
Take the original 1984 movie, include the soundtrack from the first 2 films, add a healthy helping of 40 years along with bringing back every living character (they even resurrected the crappy blue Chevy Nova), mix in a few new ones and change the villain from a crooked art dealer to a crooked cop and you have exactly what this film became. Honestly, every one of the returning lead characters looked physically horrible (except for Serge) and well incapable of performing any extensive physical activity. The plot was predictable and offered nothing new. and the action sequences were basically big vehicles running into things. The film depends too much on nostalgia hoping to make it successful. It's on par with the 3rd movie, at best. Inspector Todd was turning over in his grave with this release. I might have given a higher rating if Crazy Frog made a cameo.
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