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User Comments for: Behind Enemy Lines

Ragnar Danneskjöld says...
2 years ago
The Hollywood crowd loved to make movies in the 90s where Muslims were being "oppressed." However, just like the Crusades, they ignored the fact that it was retribution for what had happened prior.

The simple fact of a 2-Star Admiral being told something he wanted couldn't be accomplished was mind-blowing. After serving for 6 years in the Navy, I never saw a mere Captain not get exactly what he wanted, no matter what the situation. Having a Rear Admiral, in control of a Carrier Task Force, the most powerful naval force in the history of human civilization, wouldn't be so meek and accept defeat so quickly of interference with NATO.

Owen Wilson might not have been the right man for the role, but he did bring legitimacy to his part. Hackman is Oscar worthy once again. The plot is solid, the action keeps you on the edge of your seat and the errors are excusable. A popcorn worthy entertainment endeavor.
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