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User Reviews for: Baghead

CONTAINS SPOILERS5/10  4 months ago
Just Got Out of a Baghead Watching.

There's way too Many Problems with This Film.

Key: :checkered_flag: - That's Fine :triangular_flag_on_post: - Doesn't Work :person_shrugging: - Sort Of Possible

:checkered_flag: Ok so the Central Theme is Different Visitors can Go Down into the Basement and Summon Dead Relatives/Friends/Wives etc For 2 Minutes and anything over 2 Minutes, Baghead Takes over and Slowly Get more Powerful. So Baghead with each encounter is filling up a Meter until she Hits that Requirement to then Escape the Basement. This is Good.

:triangular_flag_on_post: The "Don't Cross this Line" Rule. So the Previous Owner never had that "Don't Cross this line" rule right? So how comes Baghead didn't just get up and Go during the Previous Owners Run of Ownership? I get that she has to obey, but she sometimes does what she wants, so that's not consistent. Was She not Powerful enough yet? But the Descendants broke her out and Were Using her Power For Quite Some time. Surely, she had enough Power by the Time Iris' Ownership came around or even during her dads overseeing.

:triangular_flag_on_post: Iris appearing as a Ghost whilst she watches Previous Baghead Encounters, where did that rule come from? Can each Owner now have the Superpower to Appear and watch any previous Baghead Encounters?

:checkered_flag: So Baghead was Pulling all of the Strings all Along? She certainly Coerced Iris(Sound cues of whispers to iris).

But what about everyone else?

1. :person_shrugging: She could of Possibly Pulled the String of Neil, he knew what was down there, and so through Whispers, dreams etc(off screen), she could of possibly pulled his string to keep visiting there.

2. :triangular_flag_on_post: What about Katie? Did Baghead Pull this string too? Did she get Katie to Go and See The Solicitors Premises? But why? So Baghead could get some material of hundreds of years ago through Katie, so that Baghead could summon one of the Previous Owners and deliver all of this dialogue about what Baghead is? That makes no sense, and then Baghead takes back control and then offs her? What was the Point of that? (:grimacing: Super Effective Scare By Him during the Katie and Him scene Though, that one hit me and I saw movements in my peripherals in the rows below, the Sound Design coupling that Visual was Super Strong)

3. :person_shrugging: What about Owen?(iris' Father) Did she pull that String to get him to Accidentally Kill himself so that Iris would then Take Ownership of The Building?

4. And what was the Point of Certain Things in that Ending? Did Baghead need Iris' Body in Particular just so she can Escape? Did Baghead fill up the Meter of her Power Level now and it was Time to Escape and Iris was the Unlucky Owner at that time? Both of these are Anywhere from :person_shrugging:to:triangular_flag_on_post:

There's Just too Many damn Things that either don't work or are too far fetched because the film didn't execute many things Effectively Enough.

There are Some Positives -

1. :notes: The Sound Design, the sound design of this film was Very effective, the creepy sounds pinging across the room definitely elevated this experience of the Watch. There was one particular Segment, which had the sound of something Crawling up the to my left side of the room. Great Sound Design.

2. :movie_camera: They nailed the Tone, Production Design and Cinematography. It was all Very fitting for this Particular Film.

3. :blond_haired_person: The Lead Girl Freya Allans Performance was Solid, she had this Backstory of pretty much Being a derelict, Which Lends well to the Sorrow Tone of this Film.

4. :person_raising_hand::person_raising_hand:The Other Performances. 1. Her Friend - Ruby Barker, which was Fine, she did well enough, and the Main Young Guy Jeremy Irvine, he did Better, his performance added some energy to the Film.

5. :scroll: Again, the Concept was Good, and there were bits and pieces of the Plotline that were Interesting. For instance, the Origin of Baghead., and that Baghead will Only Obey the Owner of the Premises (until she decides not too anymore).

:frowning: Neutral Note - the Ending, it Certainly had Shock Factor, I wasn't expecting them to go there. BUT, because of everything leading up to that and after that moment, it just felt like "Well, that was Shocking, but it still doesn't make the Film Good"

Overall, Great Concept but then they wrote themselves into far too many unnecessary Complications, some of which are just Outright Farfetched.
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