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User Comments for: Antichrist

indiesynergy says...
12 years ago
I just wanna delete my fckn shout!
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Reply by WishYouWereHere
11 years ago
você ablas very bueno risos
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katherysm says...
6 years ago
Pois eu venho aqui por meio deste humilde texto falar sobre um produto criado com base num diretor chamado Alfred Hitchcock, produto esse que foi batizado como Lars Von Trier.

Lars Von Trier por assim dizer é a definição mais fútil e irrelevante da forma humana, sempre com má índole e com comportamentos duvidosos é o tipo que não consegue nos entreter nem com seus dilemas pessoais, já que oras tem uma postura tão mesquinha e repugnante até com seus humildes fãs que já não são abonados com grandes materiais. Von Trier no cinema é considerado um esquizofrênico desprovido de autenticidade por seus filmes fracos fingindo conceito, onde precisa apelar para cenas de baixaria e vulgaridade para conseguir o mínimo de atenção.

Olha,eu não desejo mal a nenhuma forma de vida,mas você,Lars,merece tudo de ruim por poluir o mundo com sua farofa e filmes pouco memoráveis,estou aqui ansiando pela sua queda e que algum dia você volta para o esgoto que é da onde você jamais deveria ter saido,Lanchinho dinamarquês!
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Reply by LaLouraJosefina
6 years ago
@katherysm espumou toda amore, auge kk bjs
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Reply by katherysm
6 years ago
@capimlimao fetiche em bombas aqui nao
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Kubra65 says...
12 months ago
I wasn’t very impressed with this one. It starts off very slow and the director is obviously going for some heavy artistic style which he does achieve. The cinematography and performances are great but the story was just boring. It took too long to get going and about an hour in I started wondering if it was ever going to get to a good part. There’s a few creepy scenes but it’s more gore porn than anything else. There’s a couple scenes that were physically repulsive to watch but nothing coming close to scary. If you’re looking for something scary look somewhere else.
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Lil Juggalo says...
4 years ago
worst movie ever one star becus the movie suck it was a weak horror drama you want a good one watch hallow man it is far better then this piece of crap
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ArielRodriguez says...
one year ago
Great directing. I did not love the movie, but it is good. It reminded me for a moment to Misery.
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Chocoloctopus says...
2 years ago
I guess it was a bit too much for most people - but then most people are too dumb for their own good. I dont usually like Lars Von Treirs, but I did like this. It really F*cked me up, and I enjoyed it. That opening scene was intense. They really got to the pain right away, huh?
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OldMumpsimus says...
4 years ago
The banality of the evil of women.
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MeganPhyre says...
2 years ago
Vile artsy crap. All the “shock value” didn’t bother me at all, it’s how hard it tried to be intelligent, but just throws in a bunch of crotch scenes. If you want to waste your time with it, by all means. Consider yourself warned.
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Miester433 says...
5 years ago
Good movie but with a very dark sexual overtones
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messiah08 says...
7 years ago
I watch some messed up stuff, but this movie. OMG. the acting I've superb, some scenes had me looking for the remote so I can fast forward. Am absolutely amazing and powerful film.
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MovieP4nda says...
8 years ago
A bit too pretentious for its own good. Although still a good movie and it pushes the envelope somewhat on the gore. Well, in a scene at the end anyway.
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CharlandKarlie says...
8 years ago
This was abit too drawn out for me. I guess at least there was some rooting.
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Luthbrok says...
9 years ago
it will shock you, unsettle you, and make you feel uncomfortable 80% of the time, but that's what the movie is going for. it looks amazing, visually, though, and the performances are amazing.
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manicure says...
3 years ago
I have to confess that shock value aside, it hardly made any emotional impact on me. While it starts off as a commentary on mental illness, the second half goes for a more generic cabin in the woods horror approach. Still worth watching for its artistic value. Both leads give really strong performances, and I liked the combination of glossy cinematography with the rough editing and awkward cuts.
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