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User Reviews for: The Dragon Prince

CONTAINS SPOILERS7/10  5 years ago
I liked the concept of the show and the story it tells–but when it comes down to the details, there were many things that it could've done better.

The fact that many of the couples in this show are homosexual is an encouraging move which, I assume, was a decision made by Netflix—those couples felt out of place in the show to some degree though, I'd even say it felt forced. Now, I'm not saying that you shouldn't challenge the common believe that heterosexual couples are the norm, in fact I do encourage that! It's just that the way legacy works in this fantasy universe sticks to the traditional system and there are no efforts made to explain who is the heir to a throne if its current king/queen is married to a person of the same gender. This and other things threw me off about that. What are your opinions on that?

In terms of script, there were many references to modern real-life which also made me feel less immersed in the world they are trying to build. That, and the fact that [spoiler]many of the six 'primal sources' of magic[/spoiler] don't seem to have any relevance at all in the world; up to the current season, you can only see [spoiler]people utilize the powers of the sky and of the moon in their spells (and, of course, those of dark magic, which is the 7th kind of magic though)[/spoiler], correct me if I'm wrong. Also, why the f*** doesn't anybody [spoiler]teach Callum any new spells? Perhaps I'm still hung up on the way you could see Aang grow and become stronger in The Last Airbender over the seasons, but it gets really boring to see Callum do the same spells over and over again and also getting rejected by all the potentially interesting people they meet[/spoiler]. Additionally, there were many plot-holes in the show, that sometimes were far too obvious. You'll notice them when you see them, so I won't go into more detail here.

On the positive note, though, it was really easy to fall in love with almost all of the main characters and even for the _evil_ characters, it wasn't impossible to understand their reasoning and all of them have good intentions at heart even if they deny the existence of a better approach. Many of the characters a subject to change, which is also something that's great to see and one of the aspects that kept me watching the show for all of its current seasons. The story, so far, and overlooking all of its flaws, has been one of love, peace and unity, and, let's be honest, that's the kind of story that's easiest to enjoy.
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/10  3 years ago
The Dragon Prince...what can be said about it? A lot.
Never have I seen the liberal agenda operate so consistantly seemless since the Little Mermaid's release date. The amount of social inconsistances portrayed under the guise of this being fictional animation is astounding!

You know what this reminds me of when I see an agenda played out in this manner? It reminds of reading books that are the source material as opposed to seeing the book made into a movie for the big screen. There is sooooo much more shock n' awe in the books than you'll ever get from the movie. But here in this animation they (the liberal studio) took that concept and ran with it!! Bravo.

Here you have a coming of age boy, who is (stifled sniggering) the step-son to the >hissing laughter through teeth< the king!! >guffawing laughter< Yeah!! That's right, the KING married to, interracially mind you, >leg raising laughter< a single-mother!!! >farting laughter, eyes flooded with tears, stomping one foot, gut-clenching laughter<

No wait!! It gets better!! The co-lead is another "boy" with horns who is supposed to be a girl of exceptional theiving & assassination skills. Of course she can out-do the boy on every physical level; he's--I mean, she's a wood-elf. And they are beings of magic! So, why not be better than him at everything?? I guess you're wondering what the whole "he" thing about with white-hair horn-head super elf, huh? Well, that's because the artists drew her in such a way that you can't tell, save for the voice, if the character is female or not. Because she certainly doesn't have any femiine qualities. Naw!! Can't have those pesky froo-froo girl traits getting in the way of her awesome-ness. Perish the thought. lmao

I mean it was soooo long ago that one could just look at a character and know who was a girl and who was a boy. Now, it's damn near sacrilegious, to draw boobs on a 15 year old girl, pouty lips, or any kind of feminine hairstyle.
Oh you pervert you for being heterosexual!! Ah, 2016, how we miss you so. >sighs<
Let's not forget that if the show goes longer than 3 minutes without demostrating how bad-ass any woman can be, then the next 3 scenes you'll be punished with how EVIL & misguided men are. And if they don't have those great traits, then you are privilaged with seeing how they are bumbling, dependent, clueless, indecisive dolts. Oh, and gullible. Can't forget gullible to an extreme. But it's better than being a citizen of magic.

When you're born of the magic, there is 60% chance you are in a same sex relationship or pursuing a same sex relationship! Exciting & daring is it not!! To be a natural wielder of magic and natural wielder of same sex whoopi time!! Not too many disappointed beings on the magic side of things, huh? Of course if you are heterosexual then you'll have to use your imagination for all the good this animation will show you. Same sex & hope = good. Heterosexual = bad, strange, and unlikely.
And I know what you're going to say, "But the lead and the elf girl kiss!!" [stares at you like you're the village idiot] You mean, the white-haired "dude" with a girl's voice? Yeaaaaah, that romance was about as force as a wrong puzzle piece pounded into place. How? Well, she's bad-ass, but suddenly at the end of the show she needs him to rescue her!? Really?? That one time, the _only_ time, he rescues her once, after she's been incredibly capable the entire, however many episodes, there at the end...she needs saving? Like I said, forced.

The animation is fine (except for the fact if both the leads were mute** you would not be able to tell** which was the female). And the story flows well enough. But there are too many checkboxes for me to enjoy this--And I'm black!!
List of Inconsistances shoe-horned in because this "Fantasy":

* Interracial marriage.
* Interrracial marriage to a single mother
* Homosexual Elves --though not sure how much of an inconsistancy-- Ah, it's bogus. On account that elves are proud, and even prouder warriors.
* Same sex royal marriage
* Same sex royal marriage with kid?!!? --I can't even think that w/o a WTF face--
* Androgynous co-lead female
* Androgynous co-lead female that is more skilled than her Captain.
* Handicap female leader of a military force
* Royal handicap female leader of a military force
* the fact that all royalty put themselves in harm's way to fight the most dangerous of magical foes -- the dragon king. You mean to tell me, they had kingdoms but no loyal knights to fight for them??
* The mislead evil white man's daughter with severe daddy issues of Approval that make her NOT-SO good a person due to her personal choices to suck the life out of innocent beings to save her family.
* the dolt son to the evil white man, who is a good soul but not until he gets people killed or seriously injured
* Another female leader of the magic fairies, this one is for lava. Annnnnd she's gayer than pink pineapple in the hands of Rupe Hall.
* And last but certainly not least, the angry young guy who will not listen to reason because the evil white man framed the fairies for his father's murder! Oh, I do believe HE is supposed to be Latino. So I guess they were represented!! Yaaaaay!!

But this was just a list of all the things a "normie" would miss if they were not skilled in looking for a good well written story. Like I said, the animation is good, but everything else about this "animation" is horridly forced, contrived, and painstakingly predictable.

Who has two thumbs and gave this liberal visual sewage 1.5 stars?? This guy!!!
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/10  7 days ago
I'm writing this very short review based on memory in order to offset the "ZOMG I SEE COMPETENT FEEEEMAILS ON SCREEN AND MY BRAIN IS MELTING!" drivel that passes for reviews on this website.

Seasons 1 to 3 are good. It wasn't on the level of Arcane season 1 but it was good enough to earn my high rating and "favorite" star.

I cannot fully remember why but season 4 was so much trash it made me lose all interest in it. So much so that I didn't even notice season 5 released until literally the time of writing this.

I'll watch season 5 at some point and update this review. For now the high rating will remain, but The Dragon Prince reminds me of RWBY - it started off strong then dropped the ball so bad that I can't be bothered to keep up with it anymore. I see also that a season 6 is planned. I am neither excited nor dismayed. This series exists and so do I.
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