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User Reviews for: StartUp

7/10  3 years ago
Good enough series IMO. Good story line (if a little drawn out out times) but season 1 is definitely the best, tails off some over season 2 and especially season 3. Good cast and great acting most of the time and makes a great change from the flood of super-hero drivel and the standard cop 'who dunnit' stuff. The only thing that grates on me with many series these days is that they just get abandoned rather than finished, as happened here, pulled after the 3rd season.

The characters are all well portrayed, the only annoyance for me being little miss 'Sulkatita', Izzy Morales who does nothing but moan, frown and sulk throughout; when she's not rolling her eyes or shaking head (because in HER eyes everyone else is a dick) she ranting and raving. Odd that anyone helps or even wants to have anything to do with her at all really given how immature and selfish she is, she has a downer on just about everyone and is prone to childish temper tantrums whenever she's not getting her own way, which is most of the time. IMO the attitude of that character could have done with being dialled back some, it gets tiresome. The other problem with it is that there are some gaping holes in the story line with threads from previous episode just being glossed over or even dropped entirely, smacks of lazy writing or a 'can't be bothered with that anymore' approach. 7 overall but that's helped a lot by season 1.
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