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User Reviews for: Grimgar, Ashes and Illusions

3/10  9 years ago
I'm dropping this show as of Episode 7. I gave it a chance but especially with the last two they only made it much worse.

Taking the now age old concept of people being trapped in video games, these folks wake up with no recollection of their pasts and little desire to change anything about that. This setup however is only a cheap way to help with self-insert as it hardly plays a role in the show (just to pad the time with sometimes lengthy expositions about boring abilities). Instead Grimgar is focused on keeping everything as mundane as possible within it's fantasy setting: the protagonists are poor, suck at fighting, spend their time cooking and dwelling in teenage drama. The only enemies they fought so far are goblins, goblins, goblins... and goblins. Everything proceeds at snail pacing and that with only 12 episodes in total. There are other people that woke up in this world too but they all progressed much further in rank in the same time so there is no excuse to keep them as trashy as they are.
The problem however isn't just that it's slow but also that it's presented quite badly. Instead of ranting about the immature dialogue here or other shit they pull it is probably best to point to the production side of this show: it's further ruined by the urge to get money. Grimgar wasn't exactly a popular light novel and it seems they added in quite a lot of ways to generate revenue (kinda similar to how MARVEL markets it's universe). The edgy as fuck traumatic episode featuring a fight to death with a poor, lonely goblin ends with the boys trying to peek at the naked girls bathing. It was totally out of place and guess what, that part is sold as a BD special with the first volume.
In similar ways the insert songs work for the show. You get whatever plot in the first half and then montages of whatever mood the cast is in overlayed with insert songs. It totally fails but figure what; the band belongs to the production company of the anime and they're releasing the OP and ED discs...
While there were enough reasons to drop this one earlier I was kind of hoping for something unique. The visuals did that in a way with lush water color backgrounds but the animation ended up being mostly absent in many scenes further hinting at the lack of dedicated talent to this show.

After the last two episodes of truly autistic teenage problems I can safely say that this show has no potential at all and you're better of watching something else.
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Reply by movieaddct
9 years ago
ty for for ur review , i found it quite boring also but i was hoping i wasnt the only one
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Reply by ds1
9 years ago
&gt; so there is no excuse to keep them as trashy as they are<br /> <br /> Yes, there actually is, it was discussed in this heavy dialogue or rather monologue driven anime at some point:<br /> Our "heroes" are the weakest among them all. They were the ones who weren't picked by the stronger ones. They were the ones everybody looked down upon as weak and not good enough, nobody wanted them on a team or be in a team with them.<br /> <br /> In that sense it is a unique anime despite a trapped-in-a-video-game trope. It does not show us the heroes on the front row, saving the world but the other end. What about the not so fortunate people, who aren't good in whatever they do and aren't liked by everyone for some odd reason? It's like a more serious Log Horizon meets Sword Art Online (in a sense at least). Less building a society, less harem, more fights and how to survive.<br /> <br /> I agree with your music remarks and the usual otaku pandering (what included typical chest size "jokes") about peaking on girls, though. That pretty much ruins the episodes on a regular basis (Ranta is an awful male tsundere).<br /> Other than that perhaps not as good as most people make it out to be, but I personally wouldn't exactly agree how bad you paint it, either. But I do get where you're coming from.
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