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User Comments for: Wrinkles the Clown

Acoucalancha says...
2 years ago
Decent clown documentary that gives some insight on the history of clowns while setting a creepy atmosphere. They explored both sides of the spectrum: coulrophobia (fear of clowns) and the opposite of that which would be fascination for clowns. First half was generic and could of been cut down a bit there was some unnecessary parts like mentionning all the clowns in movies and some creepy kids interviews. Second half was more compelling and they focused more on Wrinkles which was fascinating. I wish they covered a bit more on the subject but because they chose children as the medium for the interviews, it ends up becoming a childish conversation and it was creepy. Sure. But it's not very informative from an adult's perspective. No idea if this is a documentary for real or if it's scripted but it sure feels like a documentary.

I don't know what's creepier, Wrinkles the clown or the clown obsessed kids? That boy who casually says he likes wearing a mask to become a different person sure caught me off-guard.
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