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User Reviews for: The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

8/10  10 years ago
More so than either of the other Hobbit films, the titular character is virtually a supporting player in the film and, whilst in the previous two films, the expansion of the book did not overwhelm the central story it was based on, it is here that Jackson's desire to frame this trilogy as a prequel to the Lord of the Rings is far more prominent. Perhaps the lack of material left to cover from the book is the reason for this ( the rousing opening sequence held back for this film would clearly have played equally well as a finale to the previous entry ). As an adaptation of the tone and focus of the book, this is as far removed as you could get and it is evident that two films would have been more than sufficient. There is equally a sense of déjà vu in some scenes in the build-up to the battle that is reminiscent of Return of the King.

Yet the book is its own thing and as a film and finale to the previous entries, this is a fitting conclusion and a largely successful segue into his Rings films. Importantly, the elements that are from the book itself are the strongest part of the film - Freeman again is excellent as Bilbo and his scenes with Armitage as Thorin are certainly the best and most emotional moments. This is as much Thorin's film as anyone else and the resolution to his arc is well handled. Despite initial similarities to the finale of his Rings trilogy, this becomes less of an issue as the film progresses and Jackson manages to create a near hour long action sequence that never becomes confusing or repetitive. If there is a one criticism that stands out, it is that some characters are lost amidst the sheer number fighting for screen time, but this has been evident throughout the Hobbit films, especially with the Dwarves, and Jackson wisely chooses to keep the focus on those characters that made a impression in the previous instalments. Elements that tie the films more closely to the Rings trilogy are cleverly done, even though they do feel a little episodic in nature, with cameos from characters that play a much more prominent role there. Jackson's decision to include Legolas and create a new character in Tauriel may annoy book fans, but it has a strong emotional pay off here and serves as an interesting personal backdrop to the character of Legolas. If nothing else, it is fun to see Jackson create another action beat for the character. The film is beautifully shot throughout and Jackson's penchant for sweeping camera moves capture the stunningly realised environment.

Equally, it is difficult to review this film without looking at it now in the greater context of the six film saga that it has become, and this is some achievement for Jackson to have accomplished. Fellowship of the Ring remains the strongest film ( and fittingly it is probably the one that sticks the closest to the original story ). But, Jackson has created a series of films that will be the benchmark for future fantasy films and this final entry can hold its own with the rest.
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8/10  5 years ago
HUGE Lord of The Rings fan here again!
I think this one was the best one in the trilogy, I do have some things that I didn't like but overall this is a great movie..
The positive points:
Thorin and his friendship with Bilbo, I loved the performances by both actors and the final scene between them actually made me tear up, it was so well done and also Thorin's "dragon-sickness" was well done. Dwalin's conversation with Thorin was great (Dwalin was amazing!)
All the other performances are amazing.
Seeing Galadriel, Saruman and "badass" Elrond was cool, it was cool to see how powerful Galadriel was ( she was creepy but cool), and forgive me for being a fangirl but Elrond fighting was way too beutiful!
I really liked the battle, I liked the music, I loved the first 15 minutes with Smaug it was short but absolutely awesome and Bard was actually awesome.
The end credit song (The Last Goodbye by Billy Boyd) is a beautiful song and I loved it. It did have many other good stuff that I can't mention.
The negative points:
That romance was still pointless ( Legolas being friendzoned for a "hot" dwarf is just weird)
The CGI is still heavy and does look too fake at times.
The runtime is still very long, but have to say it was way better than the first 2 movies.
the character of "Alfrid" should just NOT EXIST!
Legolas just HATES Physics !
but overall it was a beautiful movie that did tie beautifully with LOTR in the end!
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9/10  9 years ago
Okay, can I just say being a fan of both The Lord of the Rings and The hobbit, In my humble opinon this trilogy actually added depth and background to anyone whoever watched The Lords of The Rings Trilogy.
Being obviously a star packed movie, the movie did not fail to deliver a much anticipated final chapter taking into consideration the shitty ending of the second part. I simply could not wait.
Running for 144 Minutes meaning almost 2.4 hours, I was not the least bored..

I related to many of the characters but I loved the sense of family provided by the Dwarves through out their journey..
Some characters on the other hand impressed me more than others..

Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins: Well, the big eyed actor as always makes it impossible for anyone not to love him or worry about him through out any work he does..

Richard Armitage as Thorin Oakenshield II: Not only did I totally respect him as a character, my favourite quote from the movie is by him.. He portrays a character that makes it impossible for you not to respect, love, and care for him and on the other hand you simply can not help but relate to him on so many levels..

Benedict Cumberbatch as Smaug the Magnificent: Well, as always Cumberbatch amazed me with what he could do with just his voice. He made me want to reach out and strangle the crap out of him through out the second and the third part..
How talented do an actor need to be to portray all that with just his voice.. is BEYOND ME!

Last but definitely not least, I titled my hat once again to the amazing work of Mr. Howard Leslie Shore, But coming from the guy behind the scores of:

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
Gangs of New York (2002)

and many more, you really can not expect any less..

On more thing, I know 3D is over-rated with most of the movies but Go and see it in Theatre guys.. It really is worth it..
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8/10  10 years ago
C’est comme dans les grandes histoires, Monsieur Frodon, celles qui importaient vraiment, celles où il y avait danger et ténèbres. Parfois, on ne voulait pas connaitre la fin, car elle ne pouvait pas être heureuse... Comment le monde pouvait-il redevenir comme il était avec tout le mal qui s’y était passé ? Mais en fin de compte, elle ne fait que passer, cette ombre... Même les ténèbres ne font que passer... Un jour nouveau viendra et lorsque le soleil brillera, il n’en sera que plus éclatant... C’était ces histoires dont on se souvenait, et qui signifiaient tellement... Même lorsqu’on était trop petit pour comprendre... Mais je crois, Monsieur Frodon, que je comprends... je sais maintenant... Les personnages de ces histoires avaient trente-six occasions de se retourner, mais ils ne le faisaient pas, ils continuaient leur route, parce qu’ils avaient foi en quelque chose...

- En quoi avons-nous foi, Sam ?

- Il y a du bon en ce monde... Il faut se battre pour cela.

Je commence avec cette superbe citation de Sam qui résume parfaitement la trilogie Le Hobbit et plus particulièrement ce dernier opus qui achève la Saga.
Je souligne ce dernier car il est clairement au dessus du précédent et très loin devant le premier qui a réussi l’exploit de m’endormir un samedi soir, il ne manquait plus que les chaussons et la tisane au thym pour se croire chez grand mère et son cathodique dans le salon. Enfoiré de Peter Jackson !

Mais revenons à ce denier chapitre La bataille des cinq armées qui commence avec l’attaque du mythique dragon, ou devrais-je dire la continue, coupée dans son élan dans La désolation de Smaug, les événements de Lacville s'enchaînent par la suite avec la bataille des cinq armées rappelant la bataille du Champs du Pelennor dans le Retour du roi.

Je dis « épique » car c’est le terme qui revient souvent dans la bouche des fans pour décrire cette bataille et je n’oserais prétendre le contraire tant la mise en scène et la réalisation technique sont soignées, paysages et travellings sont à s’en éclater la rétine.

Sur le champs de bataille la bravoure des uns et le courage des autres sont les maîtres mots pour triompher des ténèbres mais contrairement à ce que disait Sam on souhaitait entrevoir la fin car on voulait croire que les ténèbres ne feront que passer et qu’après tant de sacrifices cette fin ne pouvait qu’être heureuse.

Une bataille longue sans être confuse c’est le challenge qu’a relevé Peter Jackson, les combats ordonnées mettant en valeur toute la technique et la discipline des elfes, les duels sont intenses et le tant attendu Azog fait finalement son entrée sur cette fresque finale.

A mes yeux Peter Jackson fait un entertainment du spectaculaire et aime jouer avec nos émotions, c’est évidemment ce qu’on attend d’un film mais la partie technique joue aussi un rôle dans la transmission de ces émotions. Provoquer chez le spectateur la réaction voulu devient périlleux lorsque l'on change le mode de projection habituel de notre bon vielle salle obscure.
Alors oui le 48fps c’est beau, c’est fluide, toussa toussa... Mais putain ce que c’est barbant au bout de 2h30 de projection dont les deux tiers s’avèrent être la bataille la plus longue et la plus importante clôturant la trilogie.

Passé ce petit bémol pour moi, le spectacle est au rendez-vous pour conclure en beauté la saga et c’est peut être même le dernier film sur l’univers de J. R. R. Tolkien, un adieu émouvant à la terre du milieu celle qui en a fait rêver beaucoup sur grand écran.
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5/10  10 years ago
Visually striking as always, but lacking in many ways. While the pacing was actually good and you never feel bored, there was essentially no story to follow at all. The armies meet and fight - that's all there is to it.

There's no build up to the fight, no preparation, and the main characters have power beyond reason - see Legolas jumping the falling rocks when he was fighting the orc that had Tauriel. He's an elf, but he's not gravity proof as far as I remember.

Thorin was a such a powerful character and he went underdeveloped, as honestly did Bilbo and Galadriel at least. I like the attention Thranduil, Kili, Legolas and Tauriel got, but Thorin's epiphany was an important moment and it was actually kinda hurried.
It was a fun watch for sure, but I have a hard time accepting this as a stand-alone film. It was more like a very long battle shot that could have been put as an extra in a deluxe edition of the DVD.

I must definitely say I enjoyed The Hobbit as a trilogy, but I wish they had edited it somewhat differently. I think it still has a lot of potential if someone decided to make a different cut out of it.
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Reply by rgmotamayor
10 years ago
He actually kind of is gravity proof, at least in the sense that he was so light he could walk above the snow in the Fellowship of the Ring.
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Reply by Lucandore
10 years ago
There is 3 movies about one book, the story is already finish when the second movie ended, the only thing left was the conclusion, so I though it was an epic movie and an epic adaptation.
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