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User Reviews for: Mulan

CONTAINS SPOILERS8/10  4 years ago



**The Good:**

Mulan is one of the rare instances of Disney fully embracing a (from a Western point of view) foreign culture, with unfamiliar traditions and ways of life. It makes the subject matter, the characters and the setting fascinating and interesting for kids and adults alike.

Mulan is easy to connect with thanks her clumsy but warm-hearted demeanour. Her journey from a nobody to a fearless warrior is one of the more fascinating character developments in any Disney film. Mulan is one of the stronger female leads in a Disney animated film, at least pre-Pixar.

Ming-Na Wen (of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D) fame does a great job portraying Mulan; her sweet and soft side as well as her fiercer warrior persona.

The brisk pace, the fluid animation, beautiful colours and fine use of music and sound make this a very enjoyable animated film that still holds up today.

The interesting historical setting, the beautiful music and the strong leading characters help Mulan break from the undoubtedly very formulaic Disney plot structure that otherwise forms the bulk of the story.

Eddie Murphy might be a somewhat strange choice to play a Chinese dragon, but he effectively makes the character his own, which is partly the reason why Mushu is such a fan-favourite character.

The best parts of the script are those that force Mulan to adapt to a male-oriented society and pretend she's male to fit in. This was Disney commenting on gender roles twenty years before that was popular. It brings tension to the plot and warmhearted comedy to the proceedings.

I'll Make a Man Out Of You is arguably the best Disney song of the 90s next to everything from The Lion King.

The climactic action/fight sequence is exciting, inventive and satisfying.


**The Bad:**

The lack of a presence of any kind of palpable threat is one of my main gripes. The Hunns are quickly introduced by barely used until the final 30 minutes of the film and even then, they remain side players.

Other than Mulan, Mushu and Shang, the characters aren't very interesting and mostly follow Disney standards.


**The Ugly:**

Disney was still doing training montages 10 years after they stopped being in fashion.


**WACPINE RATING: 7.71 / 10 = 4 stars**
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/10  4 years ago
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2020 brings us yet another Disney's live-action remake. After new versions of The Jungle Book, Aladdin, The Lion King, and many others, now comes the time for Mulan. Therefore, I decided to go back in time and relive one of the latest installments of the Disney Renaissance Era. As a kid, even though I was (and I still am) far from being someone impacted by the Chinese culture, I always enjoyed the movie for its story, characters, and of course, its memorable score. However, for some reason, it never became one of those Disney classics I revisit every year. This might very well be only my 5th time watching this film, which for someone born in the 90s like me, feels weirdly short.

This is probably the first time I watch Mulan since I was an innocent young teenager, so I was definitely intrigued to see if my overall opinion would change a lot or not. Well, enough of the suspense, I love it! I appreciate it a lot more than when I was a kid, without a single doubt. In fact, if I could only choose one movie to be remade in the live-action format, Mulan would be my ultimate choice, simply due to its epic and cinematic feel. Not trying to take away from the compelling story and incredible characters, but when it comes to live-action, Mulan has everything to deliver a chill-inducing visual spectacle. This film proves how 2D animation can feel so powerful and emotionally overwhelming.

As with every movie from the Disney Renaissance Era, the animation looks gorgeous. Dozens of jaw-dropping shots resemble the epic scope of Lord of the Rings. The action sequences are incredibly riveting and innovative, placing the main character in situations where she needs to act smart. Jerry Goldsmith's music plays a vital part in the narrative. Not only it develops characters in a meaningful way, but it helps the story move forward with fun and entertaining songs. Once again, the action set pieces are also elevated by this score, which offers a whole other cinematic layer. Technically, Mulan is one of Disney's best animated flicks ever.

However, as usual, the two pillars of any film are what people end up saving in their hearts and memory: story and characters. With so many writers attached to screenplay credits, I'm genuinely surprised Mulan has such a well-written, well-structured, emotionally resonating narrative. Packed with culturally significant storylines, it's hard not to feel enthralled by Mulan's (Ming-Na Wen) arc. A daughter who goes to war by stealing her old father's spot, protecting him from certain death, while also trying to honor her family. A woman who wants to be more than just a wife to some man. Fighting against the menacing Shan-Yu (Miguel Ferrer) and his army, but also against condescending stereotypes and ancient society rules.

Ming-Na Wen gives Mulan a powerful voice worth remembering. After more than twenty years, her journey is still an inspiring tale not only to every woman and young girl on the planet, but to everyone who lays eyes on this movie. Captain Li Shang (BD Wong) also has his own arc of trying to prove himself worthy of being called Captain. Against all the odds, he still trains his troops and honors his own father. Ling (Gedde Watanabe), Yao (Harvey Fierstein), and Chien-Po (Jerry Tondo) are hilarious, but also essential to help save China from the enemy. Shan-Yu works perfectly as an intimidating presence, even though his motivations follow the generic villain formula.

Now, prepare yourselves because my only issue with the film might be a hot take. I'm sure that as a kid, I loved Mushu and all of his jokes. He also has a compelling storyline in the same way as other characters. However, watching the film now, I can only hear Eddie Murphy perform a few jokes like a standup routine. When I listen to Mushu, I don't think "oh, that's Mushu". I think "that's Eddie Murphy". It's a remarkably somber, dark movie to match Disney's trademark humor, so the tone's balance must be perfect for it to work. Mushu might bring the necessary levity with a lighthearted joke here and there, but overall, he's the main reason why sometimes the film loses track of when to take things seriously and when to be funny.

All in all, Mulan is one of the most culturally significant animated classics that Disney possesses. Even after two decades, its story inspires every single person who sets eyes in this magnificent piece of cinema. Its emotionally compelling narrative is packed with epic action sequences elevated by a memorable score, which also helps develop characters and carry the story forward. The eponymous character's arc still resonates with many people today: a journey of proving one's self-worth, family, and breaking stereotypes. With a terrific voice cast, almost every character holds a captivating storyline with their own clear motivations. Visually, it has a cinematic feel that no other Disney animated flick owns. Tonally, the balance could be better. The tragic, somber, dark war is present throughout the whole runtime, and while some levity and humor are definitely welcome, some jokes stand out as unnecessary, and Eddie Murphy's Mushu is way too silly during certain moments. Having in mind the target audience, one can't complain too much. It's a little nitpick in an otherwise phenomenal movie, one that I recommend to every reader so that you can all be inspired by it like so many people all around the world.

Rating: A-
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/10  4 years ago
'Mulan' is good Disney.

There's a lot to enjoy about this film, it's not without a few less entertaining parts but overall it's one that many will like. The plot is pretty fascinating, even if it isn't as dark or in-depth as it could be.

Ming-Na Wen gives a more than acceptable performance in the lead role. Eddie Murphy, though, is definitely the most memorable voice from this. I don't love his character, who is a bit too cartoon-y and looks out of place, but Murphy is simply funny, in what certainly feels like a precursor to his role in the 'Shrek' franchise. None of the other cast standout, yet still give what's required.

Animation-wise it's nice, while a few of the songs are catchy. I don't, as already alluded to with Murphy's Mushu, overly rate the character design. Aside from the aforementioned, I also don't like how Shan Yu (Miguel Ferrer) looks - he, at least to me, just looks angry all the time rather than terrifying or threatening.

I do class this as a film worth watching for sure, the pacing helps keep things enjoyable.
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5/10  4 years ago
Warfare and gender politics (plus musical numbers and pet dragons) around imperial China in this Disney-fied adaptation of an old eastern fable. It's flashy and well-produced, with a strong female lead and up-front morals, but the plot seems too convenient and there's very little life outside the spotlight's bright glare. Funny, that last point, as Disney's always been so thorough about granting attention to the little details in their better preceding efforts.

_Mulan_ is just fine. The animation is fluid and smooth, a crisp blend of classic western style and traditional Chinese décor that brims with character while paying service to a stiffer, more respect-driven society. The plot, up-tempo but shallow, hits its important points and changes the scenery before younger minds have a chance to wander. Singing and dancing cartoons aren't really my thing, but the tunes in Mulan are aurally inoffensive, at least, and kept rather short and utilitarian. I didn't hate anything, but I also didn't love anything... it was all just there. Yep, that looks like a Disney movie. Yep, that's the bad guy. Yep, there's the cursory romance. I appreciate the envelope-pushing hinted by the premise, encouragement to challenge the status quo if you find it unjust, but the film's conviction to see that message through adversity seems shaky at best. Even Eddie Murphy's comic relief side character, the aforementioned cat-sized dragon, doesn't get much to do.

The ideas are good, the animation is top-notch, the music is tolerable, but the big picture stuff is half-baked and the window-dressings are shockingly bland.
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