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User Reviews for: Independence Day

9/10  7 months ago
Hey, pack members and lone wolves! Kiba Snowpaw here, your guide from the frosty realm of HowlStrom. Today, I'm taking a leap back to revisit a classic that’s as thrilling as a midnight hunt - "Independence Day." This movie, let me tell ya, is a gem that I'd almost forgotten how awesome it is. It’s up there with the first two "Alien" movies in my den of favorites. And about Will Smith? This one's where he really showed his fangs, in a good way!
Basic Plot Summary

So, "Independence Day" is about these massive alien spaceships showing up over Earth’s major cities. It’s like waking up to find your territory invaded by a rival pack, but a thousand times scarier. The story follows a bunch of humans, including a hotshot fighter pilot (that’s Will Smith!), a brainy scientist, and the U.S. President. They’re all scrambling to figure out how to save the planet from these extraterrestrial party crashers.

The movie is like a wild chase across the icy plains of HowlStrom – it’s fast, furious, and full of surprises. It’s got explosions, dogfights in the sky, and some of the best alien smackdowns you’ll ever see. The tension builds up like a snowstorm, and when it hits, it’s a full-blown blizzard of action!

Will Smith as Captain Steven Hiller? Absolutely howltastic! He’s cool, funny, and as brave as a wolf facing down a bear. Then there's Jeff Goldblum as David Levinson, the nerdy guy who figures out the alien’s weakness. He’s like the smart loner of the pack who comes through in a pinch. And Bill Pullman as the President? He’s as inspiring as an alpha leading the charge against invaders.

The movie’s pacing is spot on. It starts with a bit of mystery, then revs up the action like a snowmobile hitting top speed. The story weaves together different characters and plots smoothly, like tracks in the snow converging on a single point.

"Independence Day" isn’t just a blockbuster; it’s a landmark in sci-fi cinema. It’s like that first big hunt you never forget. The film brought together an epic scale, groundbreaking effects, and a story that’s both exciting and heartwarming. It's about coming together to face a common threat, like different wolf packs uniting against a danger to all.
Hook and Thesis

The hook of this movie is its blend of action, humor, and heart. It’s not just about blowing up aliens; it’s about humanity’s resilience, like a pack facing down a harsh winter and emerging stronger.
Praise and Critique

The special effects? Mind-blowing, like seeing the northern lights for the first time. The script? Full of memorable lines and moments. If there's a bone to pick, it’s that some parts might feel a tad cheesy now, but hey, that's part of its charm.

For anyone who loves a good mix of sci-fi, action, and a dash of humor, "Independence Day" is a must-watch. It’s like the best kind of hunt – challenging, rewarding, and leaves you feeling like a true alpha.

It stands tall among alien invasion films, much like the first two "Alien" movies. While those are more about suspense and horror, "Independence Day" is like the big, loud, and fun cousin who’s always the life of the party.

In conclusion, "Independence Day" is a classic that’s still as thrilling as a race across the snowy fields of HowlStrom. It's a reminder of why sometimes, Will Smith really is the leader of the pack. So, if you ever need a reminder of how good this movie is, just pop it in, sit back, and enjoy the ride.

That's all from me, Kiba Snowpaw. Until next time, keep your fur warm and your spirits adventurous. And remember, even an ice wolf can appreciate a good alien invasion story! :wolf::milky_way:
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/10  one year ago
**Disaster or alien movie (possibly even action movie) - it just doesn't get better than Independence Day! This 1996 sci-fi action blockbuster is one of the greatest of all time!**

When you watch the mega-blockbusters of the 1990s and compare them to each other, it is easy to forget how groundbreaking they really were. Films like Jurassic Park and Independence Day were massively ahead of their time, winning all kinds of awards and launching cinema into a new era of special effects. But Independence Day is much more than effects: the directing, the writing, the characters, the cast, the story, the pacing; everything about this movie is the perfect storm of excellence, enthusiasm, and entertainment. It is rare to find a film that so perfectly blends action, adventure, comedy, horror, and sci-fi as beautifully as this movie. Will Smith was a promising new actor surrounded by high-caliber performances from Jeff Goldblum and Bill Pullman. Seriously, we need to elect Bill Pullman's Thomas Whitmore as President. His speech to inspire the troops before the climactic final battle is among the most iconic in cinema history! Independence Day set the bar for alien invasion blockbusters and brilliantly told the separate stories of its main characters while weaving them together in the final act to save the world. Roland Emmerich knows how to do a disaster movie; this is his masterpiece.
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Andre Gonzales
/10  6 months ago
Very good movie. Funny as well with plenty of action. As they try to save the world from an alien invasion.
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/10  6 months ago
If you like your sci-fi full of gung-ho machismo then this one ought to cut the mustard. On the face of it, it is quite an engaging story of mankind uniting in the face of overwhelming odds - a sort of blitz spirit. There to save us all from the pending oblivion is Bill Pullman as the President, Jeff Goldblum as the scientist and Will Smith as the epitome of the American "kick-ass" air force pilot. The plot is terrible; the sentiment oozingly American and the script lacking in any kind of subtlety. This is still a good old lock 'n load action movie, just don't look for depth, or style....
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6/10  4 years ago
Giant, hostile, alien spaceships appear overnight to move on Earth's natural resources; humanity's last, desperate hope is a shaky plan involving a captured UFO from the 1950s and an old PowerBook laptop. Seems like this one was a guilty-pleasure classic from opening day. _ID4_ isn't well-written and constantly bathes itself in dense layers of cheese, but it tries hard, most the character arcs connect and the big special effects hold up quite well, despite their age.

For a movie that's so thoroughly reliant on spectacle, that last point is pretty important. The power of watching the White House or Empire State Building burst into a billion bitty pieces is still there, irresistible, while the magnitude of the invading fleet remains immense, and I think both can be attributed to the production's choice to eschew then-new CG techniques in favor of a large, intricately detailed stable of miniatures. We get a few hiccups, like the obviously green-screened fighter jets or the absurd visual of a golden retriever leaping to slow-motion safety through a fiery inferno, but for the most part it all looks great and it's still easy to get sucked into the experience.

Of course, the whole thing is over-acted to death. Roland Emmerich has never been one to bring out nuance from his cast, and this is an awfully shallow effort, even by his standards. Bill Pullman nails the big motivational speech, set to a telegraphed swell of patriotic symphony, but otherwise lacks conviction as a limp, reactive PotUS. Randy Quaid is a cheap xerox of every alien abduction stereotype to ever enter pop culture. Jeff Goldblum is naturally quirky enough to make his role worthwhile, but it takes every bit of his innate charismatic magnetism to overcome the dumb plot developments. Will Smith is the only unequivocal success, barking and fist-pumping his way to bonafide action hero status in a simple but essential role as a beefy marine / pure force of will.

From a critical perspective, this is cinematic junk food. Big bangs and shiny lights to dazzle the box office crowd, with a few easy jokes to lighten the mood. But yet, there's something else to it, something essential and inexplicable. It's just raw, simple fun, I suppose, that makes no apologies for how it acts or what it aims to be. It won't make you think or weep, but you'll feel, and that's worth something.
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